Early Childhood Education
Early childhood education is the first stage of Basic Education, it holds children from 1 to 5 years old, normally, it is the first moment when children are apart from their affective bonds. This way, Kindergarten is the main basis for the entire educational process and cannot be dissociate educating from caring for a full and harmonious development of the child.
Therefore, Colégio Dimensão aims at the global development of the child, complementing family education, acting in socialization, autonomy and communication, in line with the guiding documents, such as LDB and BNCC, promoting experiences that guarantee the rights to: coexist, play, participate, explore, express and communicate.
For this, we have a Specialized Team (Faculty, Coordinators and Managers, Nutritionist, Speech Therapist, Dentist and Psychologist) and a rich and safe Learning Space: lawn and wooded playground, vegetable garden, covered patio and court, amphitheater, multimedia and thematic room for the socioemotional classes; which will assist this process of cultural appropriation and learning.
Level Nomenclature
Nomenclature | Age Range |
Infant | 1 year old |
Infant 1 / Stage 1 | 2 years old |
Infant 1 / Stage 2 | 3 years old |
Infant 2 | 4 years old |
Infant 3 | 5 years old |
Age group: 1 year old
In this age group, our students count on a team with graduated teachers in specific areas of expertise (Pedagogy, Music and Theater).
The 1-year-old groups have the help of classroom assistants, who have a close eye and provide all the necessary support for the child to feel welcomed and belonging to the school community.
Program content:
• Oral language: language development, expansion of vocabulary through short stories and music; auditory and visual discrimination.
• Mathematical knowledge: inside / outside, near / far, equal / different, open / closed, count (1 and 2), full / empty, day / night, colors (primary).
• Nature and Culture: healthy eating, body / movement, school, friends, animals (sounds).
• Identity and autonomy: expression and feelings, habits, respect and friendship.
• Movement: body motor coordination, balance, games and play.
• Music: Music classes stimulate children’s sensitivity, the ability to concentrate and memory, bringing benefits to the literacy process and mathematical reasoning; in addition to activating areas of the child’s brain that will benefit the development of other languages.
• Theater: Provide group integration, concentration, memorization, resourcefulness, creativity and senses, enabling them to exercise their cognitive, affective and imagination skills. It is a moment of relaxation and stimulating expressiveness.
Age group 2 years
In this age group, our students count on a team with graduated teachers in specific areas of expertise (Pedagogy, Music, Art, Physical Education, English and Theater).
The 2-year-old groups have the help of classroom assistants, who have an attentive eye and provide all the necessary support for the child to feel welcomed and belonging to the school community.
Program content:
• Language: aims to develop literary and linguistic skills. Such as:
- Understand and produce oral or written texts, from different genres and discursive domains;
- Understand the language as a cultural, historical, social, variable, heterogeneous and sensitive to the contents of use;
- Present texts with involvement of imagination and emotion.
• Mathematics: The general objectives that guide the programming are:
- Understand the meaning of the number;
- Understand the measure as a number that represents the result of the comparison between two quantities of the same nature;
- Dimension the space by establishing relationships between places, sizes and shapes;
- Resources with games that favor comprehensive assimilation, hypothesis building, elaboration and problem solving.
• Nature and Culture: Providing the child to know where he/she lives, observing, recording, searching, comparing, establishing relationships, discussing similarities and differences, so that he/she can understand, value and respect the diversity of our culture.
• Art: Experiences with visual arts, dances, music, theater and audiovisual resources contribute for the children to develop a critical and aesthetic sense, knowledge of himself, others and the world around them.
• Physical Education: This subject starts from the age of 3. The activities seek the holistic development of the individual, considering the range of contents that we cover during the Physical Education class, such as: the motor system, neurological, cognitive, psychological, nutritional, affective, social, among many others that are stimuli during the classes.
• English: Bilingual Program – EDUCATE BY RICHMOND: one of the differentials of Colégio Dimensão is the possibility of teaching the English Language in a natural, contextualized and meaningful way through daily classes taught in English.
• Music: Music classes stimulate children´s sensitivity, concentration and memory, combined with the teaching process, bring numerous benefits, helping in the literacy progress and logical reasoning, for example.
• Theater: encourages group integration, concentration, memorization, resourcefulness, creativity and senses. Enabling the students to exercise their cognitive, affective and imaginative abilities. Moment of relaxation, bonding and expressiveness.
Age group 3 to 5 years
In this age group, our students have graduated teachers in specific areas of activity (Pedagogy, Music, Art, Physical Education, English and Theater).
Classes from 3 to 5 years old have the support of assistants for the educational activities of leisure, hygiene, safety and food.
Program content:
• Language: aims to develop literary and linguistic skills. Such as:
- Understand and produce oral or written texts, from different genres and discursive domains;
- Understand the language as a cultural, historical, social, variable, heterogeneous and sensitive to the contents of use;
- Present texts with involvement of imagination and emotion.
• Mathematics: The general objectives that guide the programming are:
- Understand the meaning of the number;
- Understand the measure as a number that represents the result of the comparison between two quantities of the same nature;
- Dimension the space by establishing relationships between places, sizes and shapes;
- Resources with games that favor comprehensive assimilation, hypothesis building, elaboration and problem solving.
• Nature and Culture: providing the child to know where he/she lives, observing, recording, searching, comparing, establishing relationships, discussing similarities and differences, so that he/she can understand, value and respect the diversity of our culture.
• Art: Experiences with visual arts, dances, music, theater and audiovisual resources contribute for the children to develop a critical and aesthetic sense, knowledge of himself, others and the world around them.
• Physical Education: This course starts from the age of 3. The activities seek the holistic development of the individual, considering the various contents that we cover during the physical education class, such as: the motor, neurological, cognitive, psychological, nutritional, affective, social system, among many others that are stimuli during classes.
• English – Bilingual Program – EDUCATE BY RICHMOND: one of the differentials of Colégio Dimensão is the possibility of teaching the English language in a natural, contextualized and meaningful way with daily classes in English.
• Music: music classes stimulate children’s sensitivity, concentration and memory, combined with the teaching process, bring numerous benefits, helping in the process of literacy and logical reasoning, for example.
• Theater: encourages group integration, concentration, memorization, resourcefulness, creativity and senses. Enabling you to exercise your cognitive, affective and imaginative abilities. Moment of relaxation, bonding and expressiveness.
• Socioemotional Education – “Escola da Inteligência”: given the importance of school in outlining the students’ life project, as subjects with stories and knowledge built on interactions with other people, Colégio Dimensão through the Program “Escola da Inteligência”, designed by Dr Augusto Cury, implements a culture for the development of emotional intelligence, psychosocial health and the construction of healthy relationships within the school community.
Class Schedule
Morning: 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM Afternoon: 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Our School Projects
Reading Project: the student takes home a book (inside a bag), so that, with their families, they can read and hear stories. Along with the book follows a sheet for recording the story that can be portrayed through a drawing made by the student. The students take turns using the is a rotation of the “Reading Bag” and once a week the book and the record sheet are returned to the school. In class, students retell the stories they took home, providing a moment of exchange and encouragement for reading and creativity, given the importance of the book as a didactic resource and cultural appropriation.
Solidary Seal Campaign: this project aims to collect 2-liter “Pets” bottles filled with aluminum seals, for every 140 filled bottles we can exchange for a wheelchair in partnership with “CCR SPVIAS”. Sensitizing our students to empathy, solidarity actions, as well as the idea of environmental and social sustainability for the future of the Planet. So far, we have managed to collect 4 wheelchairs that have been donated.
Planting good: in partnership with the school community, we collect plant seedlings so that students can follow the process of handling, cultivating and caring for these beings, which are so fundamental for the consolidation and maintenance of our lives. Searching, from this experience, a transversal teaching, important not only for the school formation, but for the citizen formation of our students, which will unfold in different ways.
Extracurricular Activities
Judo Classes (“Sérgio Lex” Judo School);
Ballet (“MORÉS” Dance School).
Specialized Team in the Health Area
Early childhood education has the following professionals in the Health Area, for weekly monitoring in all classes, supporting, motivating, teaching and guiding students and their families.
Nathalia O. Rossetto
Specialist dental surgeon in orthodontics
Helping children and adults with the highest excellence in Avaré and neighboring cities and being part of the prevention team of Colégio Dimensão.
Mariana Bexiga de Oliveira Alves
Speech Therapist
Speech therapist graduated at “São Paulo University”.
The speech therapy in the educational field has the goal of helping in the educational process through specific knowledge related to the reading and writing acquisition and also oral language, orofacial motricity, voice and hearing. In this way, we can prevent and /or identify early changes in the development.
A school which has a Speech Therapist leads a way!
Lisandra Cortez Moreira Rego
Elaboration of the Kindergarten menu according to nutritional needs and eating habits. As well as monitoring acceptance and providing support and care to parents when necessary.
Janaína Sanches Marques
Institutional Psychologist
The Institutional Psychologist who works with Early Childhood Education students investigates and studies the child’s psychic manifestations, including cognitive, emotional, physical and social characteristics, among others. Providing support to teachers, guidance to parents and family and referral when necessary.
Pedagogical Coordinator

Ana Rosa Cruz Borin
Pedagogical Coordinator
Graduated in full degree in Pedagogy, by FREA. Postgraduate in Pedagogical Coordination at UNIP. I have worked as a Pedagogical Coordinator of Early Childhood Education at this school for 16 years. “Living with children is rewarding and charming. I am very grateful and accomplished in this profession.”