High School

High School comprises classes from the 1st to the 3rd grades, consisting predominantly of adolescents and young people in their singularity, who seek their social legitimacy. In this way, the school must provide them with training that allows them to define a life project, both in terms of study and work, as well as in terms of healthy, sustainable and ethical lifestyle choices.

Given these assumptions, Colégio Dimensão seeks the formation of critical, creative, autonomous and responsible subjects through committed, meaningful and contextualized teaching.

Colégio Dimensão adopts the teaching material from the “Objetivo” Teaching System for basic education subjects, such as: Mathematics, Grammar, Literature, Writing, History, Geography, Philosophy, Sociology, Chemistry, Physics Biology, English and Art. The notebooks contain theory and exercises that help the development of classes and fixing the content, at school and at home.

Our Specialized Faculty is responsible for supporting and guiding students, through the harmonic development of all their potential in line with educational objectives. And yet, we have an Institutional Psychologist, to provide preventive support and referral to other professionals, when necessary.

Our Assessment Method seeks to promote daily commitment to studies, thus providing a programmed schedule of weekly assessments, applied on two days a week. With regard to External Assessments, we apply and encourage the realization of bimonthly specific tests that contribute to the preparation and development of the skills required in these types of assessments.

Given the importance of the school in outlining the students’ life project, as subjects with stories and knowledge built on interactions with other people, Colégio Dimensão through the Escola da Inteligência Program, designed by Dr. Augusto Cury, implements a culture for the development of emotional intelligence, psychosocial health and the building of healthy relationships within the school community.

Pedagogical Coordinator

Amanda Teodoro

Amanda Teodoro

Pedagogical Coordinator

Graduated in full degree in Mathematics at FREA, specialist in Statistics at Facespi. He has been working in Education for many years, a profession that enchants and surprises every year.